For some, the apprenticeship at btv technologies has just begun, while another one has recently completed his apprenticeship as a machine and plant operator with great success and is now passing on his knowledge to the new apprentices. In this interview, Kerem Puar tells us more about his training and his recipe for success. 

Helen Gallwas
Marketing Communication Manager
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Interview with Kerem Puar: Successful completion as a machine and plant operator

Kerem, how did you get the idea to become a machine and plant operator?

Kerem Puar: I’ve always been very interested in technology, so it made sense for me to look for a technical profession. At btv technologies, we work in a field that is changing quite rapidly due to new developments and research and is very future-oriented. This is my main motivation and work keep staying interesting very interesting this way.

How was the apprenticeship at btv technologies for you?

Kerem Puar: I really had a great apprenticeship. My instructors were great and I was integrated directly into the team, so I enjoyed coming to work every day. As a plant and machine operator, you put machines into operation, maintain them and repair them if necessary. Actually, we are responsible for ensuring that the production process runs smoothly. Accurate and careful work are therefore very important.

However, when you operate a programming machine alone for the first time, it can be a bit scary at first. Some electronic elements are very valuable. An operating error can have a major impact. But I was careful and nothing happened. My colleagues were always at my side and showed me everything with patience.

When you think afterwards that the microprocessors you programmed yourself at btv technologies are invisibly driving around in cars and are built into all kinds of electronic devices, it’s pretty cool. And I am proud that, thanks to the trust placed in me, I was able to take on so much responsibility right from the start.

Was the exam difficult? How did you prepare for it?

Kerem Puar: During my apprenticeship – especially through the practical work I did – I learned a lot. I learned a lot of things that I was able to use in the exam. I also spent two weeks at the vocational training center to learn the basics of soldering, welding, etc., which are part of the training but are not used at btv technologies. Thanks to my instructors, I got ready for this part of the exam externally. Of course, I also learned a lot for the written exams.

The intensive preparation and excellent support during the training period paid off for Kerem Puar: The final grade of 1 is something very special and therefore Maximilian Krane and Sven Vogel, Managing Director of btv technologies rewarded this outstanding performance with a gratuity of 500 €.

New trainees at btv technologies

This month, four new trainees started at btv technologies: Florian Andresen and Deborah Danso have decided to train as industrial clerks. Florian’s first place of employment is in the competence team, where he learns everything about purchasing, scheduling, order entry and the organization of internal sales. 

Deborah spends her first weeks at btv technologies in production and learns live what is behind the terms taping, programming and assembly. Here she meets Kerem, who is training the new apprentice machine and plant operator, Erik Schuhmacher. We are curious when Erik will operate the programming machine alone for the first time. 

But Kerem or one of the other colleagues will certainly be around. The cloverleaf of the first apprenticeship year is completed by Timo Kaminski, who is training to become a warehouse logistics specialist and is pleased to be able to lend a hand directly in the warehouse.

Kerem, what tips do you have for the new trainees starting out at btv technologies?

Kerem Puar: Just stay curious, don’t put your hands in your pockets and always keep your eyes and ears open. You should also always ask questions if you don’t understand or know something. There’s nothing wrong with that, you’re here to learn.

We wish you a good start to your professional life, joy in learning at all times and much success!


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